raagi (Finger millet) maNNi

  • raagi (Finger millet) - 250 g
  • Coconut Milk - 1 cup
  • Jaggery
  • Ghee
  • Cardamom
  • Dry Fruits(Cashew, Raisins, Pista)
  • Salt 

Preparation Method
  • Grind raagi. Add a pinch of Salt. Filter it using muslin cloth.
  • Add Coconut milk (1 cup). Add Jaggery. 
  • Boil the above mixture with continuous stirring.
  • The mixture thickens. At this point add Ghee, Cardamom, Dry Fruits(Cashew, Raisins, Pista)
  • Transfer the content to the plate. Add some more ghee.
  • Allow it to cool. 
  • Cut it into square pieces.

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